On 5 and 6 July, our branches are open 9am to 11pm. We look forward to seeing you!

Sauna with steam boost

  • Temperature: 80-90 °C
  • Humidity: 10-30 %
  • Recommended: 10-15 min

What does a steam impact sauna look like?

The heat is on 😉

This variation of the Finnish sauna is equipped with a mechanism that adds water to the hot stones on the stove and then fans the hot air around the room. So every five minutes your body is exposed to an intensive heat wave that increases your perception of the actual heat.

Main advantages

  • Dynamically changing conditions

  • Regular heat waves

  • Changes in heat perception

  • Intensive warm-up

  • Significantly supports the body’s thermoregulation

Do you know that?

…perceiving the air temperature depends on not only its own temperature, but its relative humidity and flow intensity? This is the phenomenon the “Sauna with steam boost” is based on.

For more, see